My Magnificent Writing Epiphany

Damn this brain and my creativity, its messed me up again.

Let me first explain the above statement and you be the judge. I have been writing a Science Fiction/Fantasy book for the last six months, yeah I know that’s a long time for a first draft. Read here, here, here and here for my excuses.

Alright let’s get to it. The pages flew by at first, but then something happened recently. A few people I know on Twitter–agents and published writers–were having a discussion about what is not being accepted by agents, publishers. Well my radar perked up and behold I was told my book, which may have themes that could be construed as not being popular now. Although I disagree with it being in the genre they specified. I won’t say, at least not on my blog.

I had a sever conundrum. I could either start with something new, Aarghh, or figure out how to change the current story so it would fit with something that is being accepted widely. I am going with the latter. I wrote about 20k words last year for an Epic/High Fantasy story that I did a lot of research for and did tons of world building with. I was writing my story tonight, ignoring the Twitterverse. When I had such a mindblowing epiphany that I had to tell my wife.

I discovered how to meld the two stories together, characters, plotlines, worlds and everything else. Of course I have 47k words done on my Sci-Fi/Fantasy book and will not stop writing, I will only start writing differently. Make it more like the Epic Fantasy story.

It has come that I will be mixing the two stories together. I am thankful I’m only in the first draft, and a very rough first draft at that. If I were further I along I would be holding my manuscript hostage at the local coffeehouse with a large espresso and a bearclaw. That I have a long way to go yet I know there are things left to do and a lot left to write.

Had to share, now I will go do laps because this writing energy isn’t going away anytime soon.

Has anything this mind-blowing ever happened to you? Please share in the comments. I can’t be the only one whose head feels like it will explode!


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4 Responses to My Magnificent Writing Epiphany

  1. jasondegray says:

    I’ve experienced something like that. I’ve seen sites and read articles that insist that you must “give them what’s popular now”. I think that’s crap. If you “give them what’s popular now”, by the time your book sees publication (probably around 1 to 2 years) the subject matter is no longer popular. An article I came across that really spoke to me said that industry popularity comes in cycles. So if what you’re writing isn’t hot right now, chances are there will be a market for it again in a couple of years. Also remember that you have to write the stories inside you. No matter what those are or when you are inspired to them.

    • BB_Baker says:

      I gave up on sites that say stuff like that, they’re usually wrong. Going with what’s the best inside you is always the best story. I’ve been trying to think of something to do with the Epic Fantasy for a while and when I had the epiphany I had to go over my notes for it and compare the worlds to see if it could work. After a few changes, less than I thought there would be I’m finding a way to make everything fit. These are the two stories that I’ve enjoyed writing more than any other and finally figuring out a way to make them work as one feels like a celebration.

      Thanks for your comments Jason.

  2. Nona says:

    Having had a few of those myself, I can honestly say there is nothing quite like it (almost). It is much like you have attained another depth to your writing universe. 🙂 Here’s hoping that you have many more, and I am eager to hear how well the merging of these two stories continues.

    • BB_Baker says:

      I will give an update in a couple weeks after I get a feel for how it is really going. I had the Sci-Fi book in my head for 3 books, the Epic Fantasy for 6. Mixing the two worlds together is going to be a challenge, but I know I’m up for it.

      Thanks for your comments!

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