A Christmas Poem to celebrate with cheer

It’s the last post before Christmas and this is what I’ve learned:

Everyone believes in their own little way. The Spirit of Christmas is alive and well, we all keep it in our hearts and bring it out each year.

I take my kids to see Santa and watch my daughter cringe, while my son runs up and wraps his arms around for big Christmas kiss.

We did our yearly pictures and they turned out real good. My wife looks like an Angel, as well…she should.

I finished up shopping with my daughter and son. Taking them to find things for each other and mom and our dog. They each knew what to get, they know us so well. Even little Princess knows what the king likes to put on his shelf.

We celebrate the Christmas Spirit not the birth of Christ. It’s just because we’re Buddhist, not because we’re naughty or nice.

I see people suffering around the country and world. I hope they have a good holiday filled with cheer because next year is supposed to be the end of the world, or so that’s what I hear.

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2 Responses to A Christmas Poem to celebrate with cheer

  1. susielindau says:

    Awesome! Have a wonderful holiday!!

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